
22 Decembrī, Svētdiena
Filmas angliski

Sammy's avonturen 2

Filmas angliski » Animation

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Sammy's avonturen 2

Sammy and Ray, leatherback turtles and friends forever, are enjoying an atoll's water and sand, shepherding new hatchlings Ricky and Ella out to sea. Suddenly, a poacher swoops in and ships them off to be part of a spectacular aquarium show for tourists in Dubai. The kingpin of the place, Big D the seahorse, enlists them in his plans for a great escape. But with their new friends Jimbo the bug-eyed blob fish and Lulu the snippy lobster, Annabel the sweet Octopus, and a whole family of penguins, Sammy and Ray hatch breakout plans of their own. That is when little Ricky and Ella arrive, determined to break in to rescue them. After a series of thrilling adventures and narrow escapes, our heroes head south to meet up with Shelly, Sammy's first and only love.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Water, Adventures, Aquarium, Turtles, Penguins, Love, Dubai

(2 Balsis)
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Arthur Christmas


58% - 8 Balsis
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