
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski

Trading Places

Filmas angliski » Comedy

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Trading Places

Louis Winthorpe is a businessman who works for commodities brokerage firm of Duke and Duke owned by the brothers Mortimer and Randolph Duke. Now they bicker over the most trivial of matters and what they are bickering about is whether it's a person's environment or heredity that determines how well they will do in life. When Winthorpe bumps into Billy Ray Valentine, a street hustler and assumes he is trying to rob him, he has him arrested. Upon seeing how different the two men are, the brothers decide to make a wager as to what would happen if Winthorpe loses his job, his home and is shunned by everyone he knows and if Valentine was given Winthorpe's job. So they proceed to have Winthorpe arrested and to be placed in a compromising position in front of his girlfriend. So all he has to rely on is the hooker who was hired to ruin him.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Job, bicker, Businessman, Brothers, arrested

(5 Balsis)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
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  • Olsena bandas bērni un neuzveicamais zaglis / Olsen Gang Junior and the Master Thief

  • Džeimss Bonds: Nekad nesaki nekad / Never Say Never Again

  • 13. Rajons / Banlieue 13

  • Venēcijas tirgotājs / The Merchant of Venice

  • Dvīņu slazdā / The Parent Trap

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Nopelni naudu kazino

Sīkie blēži / Small Time Crooks


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