
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski


Filmas angliski » Drama

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Tommy

Nora Walker is told that her British fighter pilot husband is missing in action and presumed killed in World War II. On V.E. Day, Nora gives birth to their son, who she names Tommy. While Tommy is an adolescent, Nora marries Frank, a shifty camp counselor. Shortly thereafter, Tommy suffers an emotionally traumatic experience associated with his father and step-father, which, based on things told to him at that time, results in him becoming deaf, dumb and blind, a situation which several people exploit for their own pleasure. As Nora tries several things to bring Tommy out of his psychosomatic disabilities, Tommy, now a young man, happens upon pinball as a stimulus. Playing by intuition, Tommy becomes a pinball master, which in turn makes him, and by association Nora and Frank, rich and famous. Nora literally shatters Tommy to his awakening, which ultimately leads to both the family's rise and downfall as people initially try to emulate Tommy's path then rebel against it.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : marries, Son, Killed, war, Fighter, Father, husband, Pilot, british

(1 Balss)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Komando / Commando

  • Pollija ir klāt / Along Came Polly

  • Blēži / Cheats

  • Vella kalpi

  • Jackass / Jackass: The Movie

  • Конгресс / The Congress

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Kinofilm@LV neatbild par rakstiem pievienotajām lasītāju atsauksmēm, kā arī aicina portāla lasītājus, rakstot atsauksmes, ievērot morāles un pieklājības normas, nekurināt un neaicināt uz rasu naidu, iztikt bez rupjībām. Lūguma neievērošanas gadījumā Kinofilm@LV patur tiesības liegt rakstu komentēšanas iespēju, kā arī dzēst neatbilstošos komentārus.
Komentāru noformēšana
Nopelni naudu kazino

Alfijs / Alfie


100% - 1 Balss
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Balsu skaits : 1857
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