
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski
TOP filmas kategorijā "Filmas angliski » Melodrama"

4115 Body Language

Filmas angliski » Melodrama

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  • Body Language
Body Language

An hour before the five best Dutch dance crews fly to a contest in New York, the subsidized trip is cancelled. Five dancers from totally different crews don't want to give up their free plane ticket and go anyway. In New York they realize what they've done. They have no money, no plan and no crew. But... They came to dance so there is only one thing to do. Together they form a new crew and do everything they can to enter the contest they came for. In the mean time... they have to survive two weeks in New York without any cash. ...
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    Nopelni naudu kazino

    Nozust 60 sekundēs / Gone in Sixty Seconds

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    100% - 7 Balsis
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    Balsu skaits : 4374
    Aģentūra "Ziņu Spice" | Kas notiek ? | E-grāmatas | Ārstniecības augi Latvijā | Пик известий | Uzturēšanu nodrošina uCoz | Dinamo spēles tiešraidē