
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski

You Instead

Filmas angliski » Melodrama

Palielināt Samazināt

  • You Instead

The plot features around two characters Adam (Luke Treadaway) and Morello (Natalia Tena) who end up handcuffed whilst appearing at T in the Park. The main character Adam is the lead singer with successful pop group The Make who are booked to perform at popular music festival in Scotland. While looking for his manager he happens upon Morello who is the lead singer for the all girl punk band The Dirty Pink's. The two do not get along and end up arguing, while doing so attracting the attention of a preacher who decides to teach them both a lesson in Cooperation and Compromise. He handcuffs the two together and disposes of the key, leaving the two stuck together until the handcuffs can be removed. This also means that the two must perform together, an arrangement that both are unhappy with. But over time they both see that they have more in common than first thought and Morello begins to wonder whether she is truly happy with her boyfriend Mark (Alastair Mackenzie).


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Scotland, Group, singer, festival, Music, Pop

(Balsu nav)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Vella kalpi

  • Neapturamais / Unstoppable

  • Hārlemas naktis / Harlem nights

  • Amerikāņu pīrāgs 4: Muzikālā nometne / American Pie: Band Camp

  • Gandrīz kā mīlestība / A Lot Like Love

  • Viss piegriezies / Falling Down

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Kinofilm@LV neatbild par rakstiem pievienotajām lasītāju atsauksmēm, kā arī aicina portāla lasītājus, rakstot atsauksmes, ievērot morāles un pieklājības normas, nekurināt un neaicināt uz rasu naidu, iztikt bez rupjībām. Lūguma neievērošanas gadījumā Kinofilm@LV patur tiesības liegt rakstu komentēšanas iespēju, kā arī dzēst neatbilstošos komentārus.
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Nopelni naudu kazino

Šanhajas skūpsts / Shanghai Kiss


100% - 5 Balsis
Balsu skaits : 1926
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