
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski

Counting Backwards

Filmas angliski » Romance

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Counting Backwards

For some, the lives we have are not always the lives we wanted. For Joe, a small time guy from the small time town of Sandwich, Illinois, his has not even come close - until now. Faced with death and having recently met the girl of his dreams, Claire, Joe has to find a way to live the life of passion he'd always wanted, and he has to do it fast. Journey with Joe towards the great beyond, not half as imaginative as the path he's finally forged here on Earth. Ride with him as he's forced to figure out the meaning of life that he won't have time to live. With the help of his best friend, Frank, and his brilliant, if not terrified mother, Sarah, Joe will finally learn to live, love, and explore beyond his wildest dreams. And we'll get to watch one man's journey unfold, from the first day of the rest of his life on.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Dreams, mother, Girl, journey, Illinois, Passion, Death

(1 Balss)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Nezūdošais ļaunums: Dzīve pēc nāves / Resident Evil: Afterlife

  • Vella kalpi

  • Кризис / Crisis

  • Muskuļotais Santa Klauss / Santa with muscles

  • Sīkie blēži / Small Time Crooks

  • Kauja par Losandželosu / Battle of Los Angeles

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Kā Grinčs nozaga Ziemassvētkus / How the Grinch Stole Christmas


94% - 57 Balsis
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Balsu skaits : 2042
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