
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski

Twin Dragons

Filmas angliski » Action

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Twin Dragons

In 1963, two parents (mother Sylvia Chang and father James Wong) are doting on their newborn twin boys. Meanwhile, a dangerous gang leader named Crazy Bull (Kirk Wong) is being transported as a captive in the same hospital. Crazy Bull escapes and attempts to take one of the twins hostage. In the ensuing chaos, the twins are permanently separated. One of them, named John Ma, is raised by his parents and grows up to be a concert pianist and conductor. The other, named Boomer, is raised by a woman named Tsui (Mabel Cheung), and grows up to a be a street racer and martial artist. Neither of them suspects he has a twin brother. 28 years later, the twins' (both played by Jackie Chan) lives intersect in Hong Kong. Boomer and his best friend Tyson (Teddy Robin, named "Tarzan" in the original version) get mixed up with a dangerous gang. Meanwhile, John Ma prepares to conduct a major concert. The twins accidentally switch places, causing confusion for both of them until they discover each other. The twins also have romantic interests named Barbara (Maggie Cheung) and Tong Sum


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Chaos, Brother, Twins, Hospital, twin, Hong Kong, Parents

(1 Balss)
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