
22 Decembrī, Svētdiena
Filmas angliski

Seed Of Chucky

Filmas angliski » Horror

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Seed Of Chucky

The killer doll is back! Glen, the orphan doll offspring of the irrepressible devilish-doll-come-to-life Chucky and his equally twisted bride Tiffany. When production starts on a movie detailing the urban legend of his parents' lethal exploits, Glen heads for Hollywood where he brings his bloodthirsty parents back from the dead. The family dynamics are far from perfect as Chucky and Tiffany go Hollywood and get rolling on a new spree of murderous mayhem; much to gentle Glen's horror. Chucky can't believe that his child doesn't want to walk in his murdering footsteps, and star-struck Tiffany can't believe that the movie will star her favorite actress, Jennifer Tilly, who soon becomes an unwitting hostess to this new family in more ways than one...


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Child, Killer, Dead, doll, murdering, horror, family, Parents

(2 Balsis)
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92% - 73 Balsis
Balsu skaits : 1926
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