
22 Decembrī, Svētdiena
Filmas angliski

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Filmas angliski » Comedy

Palielināt Samazināt

  • The Odd Life of Timothy Green

After receiving bad news from a fertility doctor, Cindy and Jim Green try to bury their dreams of having a child by writing out all the great traits their child would have and putting them in a box in the garden. During a freak storm in the middle of the night, they awake to find a boy named Timothy, with leaves growing from his ankles, standing in their kitchen calling them mom and dad. Cindy and Jim are thrown into the midst of parenthood and over the coming months, Timothy will teach them more than they could have imagined about being parents and raising a child, no matter how he comes into their lives.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizi

Birkas : Dreams, Child, Garden, Doctor, Parents

(Balsu nav)
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Brūstera miljoni / Brewster`s Millions


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