
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski


Filmas angliski » Thriller

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Orphan

Kate and John Coleman are rebuilding their troubled marriage. Kate had a drinking problem, but is in therapy and is doing well. She has been sober for one year. The couple decides to adopt a child. When they meet the nine-year-old Russian girl, Esther, at the St. Marina Orphanage, they immediately fall in love with the well-educated orphan. Their young son, Daniel, is hostile to his new sister; but their deaf-mute daughter, little Max, is enchanted with her - at first. Eventually, Kate begins to feel that Esther is manipulative and possibly even psychologically disturbed. John refuses to listen to his wife's misgivings, and the wounds in their marriage reopen. Kate calls Sister Abigail at the orphanage, and the nun informs her that Esther has a troubled and mysterious history. Kate delves further into Esther's past and discovers she is not at all who she pretends to be.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : marriage, Daughter, sister, Therapy, Child, adopt, couple, mysterious, psychologically, drinking

(3 Balsis)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Gaisa karalis 3 : Badijs čempionu līgā / Air bad: World Pup

  • Viss, ko es vēlos Ziemassvētkos / All I want for Christmas

  • Viss piegriezies / Falling Down

  • Amerikāņu pīrāgs 4: Muzikālā nometne / American Pie: Band Camp

  • Hārlemas naktis / Harlem nights

  • Iekarotājs Kalls / Kull The Conqueror

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Cīņa / War

Asa sižeta

100% - 5 Balsis
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Balsu skaits : 3211
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