
22 Decembrī, Svētdiena
Filmas angliski

Urban Explorer

Filmas angliski » Horror

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Urban Explorer

Anxious to explore the mysterious hidden world under metropolitan Berlin, an international group of four urban explorers hires a local guide, Kris, who leads them into the maze of escape tunnels and subterranean fortifications under the city. When their guide has a bad fall, two of the girls in the group frantically set off to seek help while Denis, the young American, stays behind. Armin, a former East German border guard suddenly appears from nowhere. Out of sheer desperation, Denis allows Armin to lead them and their unconscious guide to safety and it is at this moment that Denis realizes he has just made the biggest mistake of his life!


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Girls, Metropolitan, guide, explorers, explore, tunnels, mysterious, german, berlin

(1 Balss)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Puikas un meitenes / It's a Boy Girl Thing

  • Сало, или 120 дней Содома / Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

  • Šaolinas futbols / Shaolin Soccer

  • P.S. Es tevi mīlu / P.S. I love you

  • Zemestrīce / Nature Unleashed: Earthquake

  • Beverlihilzas nindzja / Beverly Hills Ninja

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Kinofilm@LV neatbild par rakstiem pievienotajām lasītāju atsauksmēm, kā arī aicina portāla lasītājus, rakstot atsauksmes, ievērot morāles un pieklājības normas, nekurināt un neaicināt uz rasu naidu, iztikt bez rupjībām. Lūguma neievērošanas gadījumā Kinofilm@LV patur tiesības liegt rakstu komentēšanas iespēju, kā arī dzēst neatbilstošos komentārus.
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Mikrotopija: kompaktā dzīve / Microtopia


50% - 2 Balsis
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