
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski

Teen Wolf : Season 1

Filmas angliski » TV series

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  • Teen Wolf : Season 1

In season one, Scott is faced with the reality of choosing between love and his newly found responsibilities as a werewolf. He must figure out ways to keep his loved ones safe, balance the relationships he already shares with new relationships he makes, and deal with himself as a werewolf under the full moon. The characters around him must also deal with problems of their own, which somehow ties down to Scott, as they all make discoveries along the way. Scott discovers in order to possibly cure himself, he must kill the werewolf who bit him, a mysterious Alpha werewolf who's been killing seemingly unconnected people and terrorizing the area since the death of Derek's sister. Derek Hale had come to Beacon Hills when his sister had passed away, it's at first believed that Derek's the Alpha but revealed he is a Beta, like Scott. It is shortly after when the Alpha in human form reveals themselves to Scott, also it's revealed that members of Alison's family, who are werewolf hunters, were responsible for the fire that burn down the Hale's family home, when Derek was a child. Alison, all the while starts to discover that their is more to her family then they let on, finding evidence hinting at their werewolf hunting going back to the Middle Ages. The first season ended surprisingly with Derek becoming an Alpha and Scott continues to be a beta werewolf.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Killing, terrorizing, sister, relationships, werewolf, Kill, discovers, mysterious, discoveries

(7 Balsis)
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