
23 Janvārī, Ceturtdiena
Filmas angliski

Kill Keith

Filmas angliski » Horror

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Kill Keith

Kill Keith: Volume 1. Keith 'Cheggers' Chegwin is a household name and has been at the top of his game for nearly 40 years. He's an all round entertainer and has lived with us via our TV screens on Swap Shop as kids through to GMTV as parents. He is undoubtedly a national treasure, and for nearly four decades has been much loved by viewers young and old. The year is 2010 and hidden away in a damp dark and blood stain cellar is a stranger, a man, a figure in the dark, someone we'd rather not know. He sits through the small hours torturing himself watching Swap Shop on fast forward over and over again. Cheggers Plays Pop posters decorate the cellar walls. The stranger moves slowly around his memorabilia filled shrine; terrifying equipment of torture fill the cellar together with several slabs of dead meat hanging from meat hooks. In the corner a man is bound and gagged in a cage while being subjected to archive TV clips of Keith Chegwin. The stranger is on an evil crusade. What is this unhealthy obsession with Keith Chegwin? Is the stranger plotting to kill our much loved Keith? Innocent victims from around the country slowly start to disappear. The damp cellar accrues more bodies. The news headlines build of reports of a serial killer. Cheggers continues his daily TV show while the nation lives in fear of evil roaming the country. Body parts begin to surface hundreds of miles from where they disappeared. How safe is Keith? How long before the stranger fulfills his obsessive desires?


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Show, Kill, treasure, Disappear, household, TV, Stranger, Dark

(Balsu nav)
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Nemiers kopmītnēs / Dorm Daze


66% - 3 Balsis
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