
23 Janvārī, Ceturtdiena
Filmas angliski

The Three Stooges

Filmas angliski » Comedy

Palielināt Samazināt

  • The Three Stooges

Left on the doorstep of an orphanage run by nuns, newborns Moe, Larry and Curly grow up finger-poking, nyuk-nyuk-nyuking and woo-woo-wooing their way to uncharted levels of knuckleheaded misadventure. Now their childhood home may have to close due to financial difficulties. But Larry, Curly and Moe, employed as the foster home's inept maintenance men, are determined to come to the rescue. Only The Three Stooges could become embroiled in an oddball murder plot - while stumbling into starring roles in a phenomenally successful TV reality show.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Murder, Show, Nuns, financial, TV

(1 Balss)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Bumerangs / Boomerang

  • Семейка Крудс / The Croods

  • Гагарин. Первый в космосе

  • Mans Tēvs Varonis / My Father the Hero

  • Kukaiņu dzīve / A Bug`s life

  • Ienaidnieka aizmugurē / Behind Enemy Lines

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Nopelni naudu kazino

Smokijs un bandīts / Smokey and the Bandit


100% - 6 Balsis
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Balsu skaits : 4374
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