
22 Decembrī, Svētdiena
Filmas angliski

Katie: My beautiful face

Filmas angliski » Documentary

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Katie: My beautiful face

Katie Piper (born 12th October 1983) is a former model and television presenter from Andover, Hampshire in England. Piper had hoped to have a full-time career in the media, but in March 2008 in North London, sulfuric acid was thrown at her face by Stefan Sylvestre. The acid attack, which blinded Piper in one eye, was arranged by Piper’s ex-boyfriend, Daniel Lynch. Both Sylvestre and Lynch were arrested and are serving jail time for their crimes. Piper was treated in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where the surgeons removed all the skin from her face, before rebuilding it with a skin substitute and then a skin graft. The procedure was the first of its kind to be completed in a single operation. In 2009, Piper chose to give up her anonymity to try and increase awareness about burn victims. The Channel 4 documentary, Katie: My Beautiful Face, was aired on 29 October 2009 as part of the Cutting Edge series, and repeated on Christmas Day 2009.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizi

Birkas : skin, television, Crimes, Attack, Model, Hospital, Acid, Face, Operation, London

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