
22 Decembrī, Svētdiena
Filmas angliski


Filmas angliski » Horror

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Barricade

This movie is about the Shade family, a year after the death of the mother/wife Leah, the husband and father (Eric McCormack) and his two children go to a cabin retreat in the mountains. While there they are tormented by visions and happenings that start to scare them. But are these incidents real or in their minds? The father feels compelled to barricade them in the cabin in order to keep them safe. But will it work out?


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : Cabin, Barricade, Father, Minds, Mountains, Death, family

(Balsu nav)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Dusmu terapija / Anger Management

  • Nezvērs / Cloverfield

  • Melnais Vanags notriekts / Black Hawk Down

  • Brīvprātīgie / Stripes

  • xXx 2: Nākamais līmenis / xXx: State of the Union

  • Par puiku / About a boy

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Komentāru noformēšana
Nopelni naudu kazino

Lūzeri / The Losers

Asa sižeta

50% - 4 Balsis
Kāda žanra filmas labprātāk skaties ?
Balsu skaits : 3211
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