
22 Janvārī, Trešdiena
Filmas angliski

Pushing Tin

Filmas angliski » Romance

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Pushing Tin

Nick and the other boys (and Vicki Lewis) working the hotspot of air traffic control in New York are impressed with themselves, to say the least. They thrive on the no-room-for-error, fast-paced job and let it infect their lives. The undisputed king of pushing tin, "The Zone" Falzone, rules his workplace and his wedded life with the same short-attention span that gets planes where they need to be in the nick of time. That is, until Russell Bell, a new transfer with a reputation for recklessness but a record of pure perfection shatters the tensely-held status quo. The game of one-upmanship between the two flies so high as to lead Nick into Russell's bed with his wife. His sanity slipping just as fast as his hold on #1, Cusack's controller is thrown out-of-control when Thornton's wanderer quietly leaves town. Nick must now find a way to regain his sanity and repair his marriage before he breaks down completely.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : marriage, wife, New York, Working, Planes, Boys

(Balsu nav)
Kinofilm@LV iesaka
  • Ja vien / If Only

  • Kā pieradināt pūķi / How to Train Your Dragon

  • Brīvprātīgie / Stripes

  • Ložudrošs / Bulletproof

  • Aklais randiņš / Blind Date

  • Šaurā, sārtā līnija / The thin red line

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Dvīņu slazdā / The Parent Trap


100% - 45 Balsis
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Balsu skaits : 4374
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